Life at Reward Gateway

Stronger Together During a Time of War

Written by Klara Owens | Mar 8, 2022 5:46:00 PM

WE ARE HUMAN is a core value of our business. Expressing kindness and empathy for other people and our external environment is part of the DNA of Reward Gateway. Our dedication to creating social value is essential to our People across the globe, and we want to encourage and foster that spirit as we continue to grow. 

We know across Reward Gateway we have many employees who have been affected by the war in some way, shape, or form. We have compiled a list of ways our People can contribute to a better world for everyone during this time of war.  We understand that knowing where or how to start can be overwhelming. We wanted to create an open space to share resources and support each other. 

Ways To Contribute

While we know there are many organizations to support and many ways to contribute, it was important for us to find a variety of options that touch our employees directly and also support all refugees. Featured below is the list we came up with, and we also encouraged employees to Speak Up and share any other organizations that are close to them.

Chernihiv Support- One of our employees, Andrew Jones, has been brave enough to share that his mother-in-law is currently in Chernihiv in the north of Ukraine and has been unable to leave. The city is surrounded by Russian forces and they have been having a difficult time. Whilst it is currently near impossible to get aid in, it is still possible to buy supplies in the city itself. She lives close to the military hospital and Andrew has set up a fundraiser and they have volunteers lined up to help restock their medical supplies. 

Hope for Justice, which exists to bring an end to trafficking and Modern Slavery is a partner of our RG Foundation. Refugees and persons who have been forcibly displaced are particularly at risk of being trafficked especially when children have been separated from their families.

Global Giving has donations set up for a couple of projects supporting those in Ukraine and refugees around the world. Employees have the option to donate their points or cashback in the Reward Marketplace through our internal engagement platform, boom!

Breaking Barriers, which offers training and support for refugees in London is our partner through RG Foundation. They help refugees to rebuild their lives & find meaningful employment. Supporting 250+ Refugees, many RG employees have volunteered their time to participate in employability workshops to help Breaking Barriers clients find work. 

Make a difference UA, is an organization arranging for ambulances to be filled with medical supplies and sent to Ukraine. Each ambulance costs £7,000 to buy and prepare for the trip. This organization takes care of the purchasing process and preparation for the trip where supplies are taken to hospitals and the ambulances are available to support those on the front lines.

Stronger Together MoveSpring Challenge

We will also be collectively coming together for a Stronger Together MoveSpring Fundraising Challenge to raise money for Ukraine. Our goal as a company is to reach 34,236 km - the total distance between each of our offices. Throughout the challenge, we will be sharing tools and resources to support our employees mental health and encouraging teams to come together and offer support in any or all of the ways mentioned above. 

In addition, Reward Gateway will be sponsoring an ambulance through Make a Difference UA as a part of our fundraiser and challenge. We encourage all employees to take part and Step Up to give back.

Supporting Our Employees

For employees who are struggling to deal with or process their emotions, we want them to remember that it’s okay if they need to seek support for themselves. We compiled a list of ways they can support their mental health during this time of war and shared it on boom!, our internal engagement platform. Our benefits have been curated to support our employee's physical and mental wellbeing during times like this. 

For those who may be experiencing trauma and distress from the war, we want them to know, that they are not alone. We created a safe space for employees to come together and share their thoughts and feelings and ways to manage the moment we are in. Julie Zadow, our CMO, will be facilitating group conversations for any employee looking for a support network. 

Stronger Together

Though we are on different sides of the globe, we are united in making a difference and our mission to Make the World a Better Place to Work. We know this war is quite close to home for some, and for others, they may be far removed. Wherever our employees are, we want them to know they are not alone. Together we are stronger, and together, we can make a difference.