Life at Reward Gateway

Introducing our Personalized Individual Therapy Benefit

Written by Klara Owens | Nov 6, 2023 10:08:44 PM

As the importance of mental health takes center stage, our commitment to holistic employee wellbeing continues to evolve. At RG, our new mental wellbeing support offering aims to provide targeted support during challenging times.

Recognizing that mental health exists on a spectrum, our employees shared that there is a distinct difference between therapy and coaching, and we agree. Just as we wouldn't play tennis with a broken arm, it's unrealistic to expect optimal work performance during times of crisis. Therefore, while coaching is aimed at proactive goal achievement, therapy is designed to provide support during challenging times such as severe depression, anxiety, or other challenges. It's about addressing daily states versus preventative wellbeing tactics. Both are valuable tools, but they serve different purposes based on an individual's needs. 

Introducing Personalized Therapy Sessions 🙌

To bridge the gap in our mental health support, we are excited to launch personalized 1:1 sessions with licensed therapists. These sessions will cater to employees who require a more customized approach to their wellbeing journey.  Our global providers will ensure that quality, personalized mental health care is accessible to all our team members, without any barriers.

Our mental health support doesn’t stop with just therapy, we have a whole range of ways to help support how our employees think, feel, and act.

Personal Wellbeing Coaching: Our Personal Wellbeing Coaches provide a unique blend of personal and professional development. Whether it's leveling up employees in their career, creating happier relationships, or simply finding that elusive work-life balance, our coaches are our partners in progress. The premise of this preventative support was all about soaring to new heights and achieving personal best! 

Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs): Our 24-hour helplines offer immediate crisis support for employees and their families, no matter where they are located. EAPs provide caring, confidential guidance, connections to tailored resources, and referrals to specialized professionals. Our providers offer various resources, including crisis therapy sessions, wellbeing tools, and guidance on life management support for all aspects of wellbeing, catering to our global workforce's unique needs.

Mindfulness and Meditation Tools & Resources:  Employees can also enhance their mental wellbeing with an array of mindfulness and meditation tools and resources. From tailored nighttime rituals for blissful sleep to solutions to break free from habits that hold them back. We’ve got on-demand meditation and yoga videos that infuse serenity into every moment and expert mind articles for stress-busting and productivity-boosting. From our Wellbeing Center to MoveSpring, to Allen Carr’s mindfulness seminar, we’ve got our people covered. 

By introducing personalized therapy sessions alongside our existing offerings, we aim to create a comprehensive support ecosystem that addresses the full spectrum of mental health needs. If you'd like to learn more about our benefits and our journey to making wellbeing the HEART of everything you do, visit